
Jumat, 01 April 2011

Message Love Habit

Halo sobat Mingsetbuntu ! Kali ini saya postingkan ...enaknya apa ya ?? 
Oke, kali ini postingnya berisi tentang kebiasaan si zedt(?) aja ya , Check This out

Mungkin kalo dilihat dari judul postingnya ,berisi tentang "Message Love Habit" kalo nggak tahu artinya lihat aja dikamus kalian masing masing, hhe

Dimulai sejak PAGI HARI
"You are the first thing to enter my mind in the morning and the last thing to leave my heart at night.And so you see, its you and me. Together forever and never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart"

"When you feel alone,just look at the spaces between your fingers. Remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with your forever. And you must know, I don’t fear insect or spiders. When I look into your eyes.I’m in fear of how much you missing me"

Lalu SEBELUM TIDUR (kalo belum ngantuk)
"I can’t fall sleep to night. I don’t know what to do. I miss you bad my little angel. And when you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember. I’m like a star; something you can’t see me, but I’m always there" 

Kalo tiap hari pesannya gini terus bosen dong, tapi inilah kelakuan si zedt.

Semoga Posting ini menjadi suatu yang bermanfaat bagi khalayak ramai
Ataupun mungkin sobat Mindsetbuntu dapat berbagi info infonya demi kemaslahatan bersama,hha